Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Honey Bees

No, that is not a clump of dirt stuck to the side of my chimney!!  It is THOUSANDS of honey bees!!!  It makes me want to vomit just looking at the picture!!!  They decided they were going to be my mother's day present.  They just showed up out of no where!!  We had to take immediate action because our son is allergic to them!  He is scared to death to go outside on a normal day due to the possibility that there might be a bee out there that's going to sting him.  This GREATLY raised those odds!!  That's where this guy, the bee keeper, comes to the rescue!!

God bless his heart!!!  He came out on mother's day and was at our house for almost 3 hours.  He ended up rescuing about 5,000 bees.  He did it all for free.  He was only concerned for the well being of the bees and to get them away from Jevin.  See, there still are some nice people out there.