Monday, October 31, 2011


Happy Halloween Everyone!!!!  For my kids this is the BEST holiday next to Christmas, of course!  So, here's some pics of their costumes this year.

 Pretty Princess Elliona as Sleeping Beauty.

 That Big Bushy Thing next to the Pretty Princess would be Jevin in a ghillie suit.

He is on duty tonight to guard the Princess.

I know, I know, you think he looks like Swamp Thing!!!!  That's what everyone thought he was.  He is actually an Army Sniper.  The ghillie suit is designed to help soldiers or hunters blend into the woods.  This was his MUST have costume, since this is what he has declared he wants to be went he grows up (an Army sniper)!!!!  I hope he changes his mind!!  They had fun and got me lots of chocolate, so I think it was a good night!!! ;)

Does this orange hurt your eyes?  It's killing mine, it's like looking into the sun!!  Sorry, I was trying to be festive!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I am "officially" the WORST blogger ever!!!!!  Life has been a lit'l stressful lately!!!  The kids and I started school at the end of August, Jevin started flag football and cub scouts, and Elliona is taking a jazz dance class!!!!  Rich is still working out of town, so all of these activities keep me busy, busy, busy!!! There ya have it, that's my excuse!!!  I will try to post something interesting in the next few days!!  No promises!!