Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Morning

 This year for Christmas, Jevin and Elliona, each had 1 present they were VERY adamant about wanting.  For Jevin, it was Fox riding gear (jersey, pants, gloves, and boots) for his 4-wheeler.  We told him if we bought him the gear it would leave little money for toys, so he would have to choose (riding gear is NOT cheap)!!  This is what he chose!!!

We also got him some other things that he wanted.  We saved the gear for last and he didn't whine or complain that he didn't get it!  He is only 8, but I swear sometimes he acts so much older.  When we finally gave it to him, he was sooooo excited!!!  He wore it, boots and all, for the whole day!!!!  He cracks me up!

Elliona, really wanted a play kitchen.  This gift was quite the challenge.  She is only 5, but about as tall as a 7 or 8 year old.  This created a problem because most of the play kitchens out there are very tiny.  She would hover over them like a giant!!!!  I finally found a wood one made by Little Tikes that is a couple of inches taller than her.  It is really cute, but the reviews said it was a pain to put together.  Normally, Rich and I would stay up until 2 am on Christmas Eve putting toys together, but we opted out this year.  Elli was very happy that she got her kitchen, but wasn't happy that it was still in the box!!!

Rich had to immediately get his tools and get to work!!  Three hours later Elliona had her very own kitchen!!!  Good job, daddy!!! 

I hope you all had a very nice Christmas and enjoyed being with family!!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dr. Seuss Baby Shower

Back in November, I had a small baby shower for my sister-in-law, Rachelle (yep, we have the same name).  Rachelle and her husband Jim, decided not to find out the sex of their baby (I told her she was crazy!).  Don't they know that makes it hard on all the people who want to go buy all that super cute baby stuff, geesh!!!  I couldn't think of a cute theme for a unisex shower, then one day (like a week before the shower), Dr. Seuss came to mind!  It was perfect, but it was also very challenging to find stuff to decorate with in a short amount of time.  I had tons of books and that was about it.  I happened to go to the library the week of the party and wouldn't you know it, the kids' book room was decorated in The Cat In The Hat!!!  The Liberian let me borrow everything!!  It was my lucky day!

I used red, light blue and white as my colors.  For this table in the pic and the kitchen table I cut out 3 different sizes of circles out of felt, and spread them down the middle of the tables.

I used my books as props through out the living room and kitchen.

I found this cute little cupcake idea on Kara's Party Ideas.  Since it was Thanksgiving time, I made pumpkin cupcakes with blue cream cheese icing.

This is the Mommy-to-be!

Elliona was my helper for the day and Rachelle's photographer.

I think everything turned out pretty good!  Rachelle lives in PA, so she got to come home and see some friends she hasn't seen in a while, so that was really good!!!  

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Whew Whee!!!!  Finally, there is not one person in my house that is sick!!!  We have been battling some major sickness here in my house!!  It started about 5 weeks ago with Elliona getting bronchitis, then I was sick with the flu for about 4 days, Rich was in the hospital for 3 days with pneumonia and was off of work for 2 weeks, Jevin had a bug for a couple of days and then it circled back to Elliona again, who now is recovering from pneumonia and strep throat!!!!!  Then to top it off, yesterday I had my 4 wisdom teeth removed!!!!!  I am soooo done with doctors!!!  I hope this is finally the light at the end of the tunnel!!!!