This is my daughter, Elliona. We call her Elli for short. She is 4 years old and I love this age, because she still does the really adorable things that just make you smile!!! I don't know if you can tell by the picture, but she is kinda obsessed with the color pink. Lately she is all about wanting to pick out her own clothes and they must be pink. From head to toe pink!!! This pic is one of her outfits she put together. I think she did really good. She wore it to the mall and she received 3 complements on how cute she was.
This is my son, Jevin (he's trilled, can't ya tell?). He is 7 and for a boy he also is very into what he is wearing. Today Elli insisted on picking out every ones clothes. This is what she chose for him. He didn't put up a fight, so I took that as an approval from Mr. Fashionista!!! Most mornings before school we are fighting over what he is going to wear to school!! I didn't think boys were supposed to do that. Don't they normally just throw on their clothes and call it a day?