Monday, August 9, 2010

Little Sis

My little sister, Melisha, came home this past weekend from Dayton to visit. Her visits are always to far and few in between and a whirl wind while she's here!! She brought along my little niece and nephew and the 4 cousins had a good ol' time playing together. Elliona (my daughter), always looks forward to the time she gets to play with Miciah and hold the baby.

(Here's the little rascals now! Miciah, Elliona and Jevin)

Melisha wanted me to take some pictures of her and her kids that she could hang on her walls at home. So, I was a photographer for the weekend. I think we captured some good shots. Here are some of the pics I love.

1 comment:

  1. Yes...u r right...visits r far and few in between...and why is it that they r always a whirlwind?? :) I really think you should reconsider your suits you well!!!! :) Can't wait to print the picts!!!!! Thank u 4 taking them!!!!Love you!!!!!
